Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Keep Smiling...Please.

**Now a Word From Our Sponsor**

(Revision 28.01.06) If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is… ....in French.
-Katie Kat.

(But don’t let Mommi fool you. She got dis out uv a frase buk…)


Le magasin de bijoux. 

Bonjour. Je m’appelle Katie. Comment allez-vous?

Trés bien, merci. Et vous?

Trés bien. Quelles sant les previsions meteo?

Du brouillard

Est-ce que je pourrais voir... un nouveau cerveau? Comme celui vous avez dans le viseur. Avez-vous quelque chose en perle de culture?

Je veux que vous allies voir un spécialiste.


A cause du temps. C’est déprimé

Ah... a cause du temps... Je suis perdu en raison du brouillard. Mon coeur est blessé. Je ne puis pas manger ou dormir. Est-ce que le médecin pourrait venir me voir, un médecin que parle anglais?


Est-ce que je peux prendre rendez-vous pour aujourd’hui?

Oui. C’est urgent.


De rien. Promettez-vous?

Oui. Je promets.


Brought to you by Dingbats Anonymous: The people who make your brain think…

Need a translation? Try here... https://www.bing.com/translator/ & learn something new. (Hey, that's what I did and a phrasebook from Barnes & Noble. Thanks Davo for grinning at this "dingbat.")

My Internet Service conspiratorially went down…

We don’t know what you did, but we’re telling Captain Kid… We don’t smoke, we don’t chew… We watch Captain Kangaroo!!! …And we’ve never been to Boston in the fall. Cuz we're the pirates who don’t do anything… (Mike Nawrocki, 1997)

Laugh Safely and Good Night (or Good Morning),
Katie Kat =^..^=

(Promesse gardée...Être continué)


"First you must decide what you want... And then you have to fight for it." -Lantern Hill.

©2006 by Kat-Renée Kittel. All Rights Reserved. Please be kind and give credits to author and founder of the Laughter Safety Valve Commission™. Thanks.

Got Chutzpah (Agape Is A Five Letter Word... For Chutzpah) is inspired by The Chairman of The Laughter Safety Valve Commission™. See Turnabout's Fair Play and comment left by Mr. Anonymous. (Dear Richard & Harlee, Thanks for the hug.)

***Cached pages are not authorized representations of this page nor do they represent the staff writer of this website. Previous page versions have been obliterated by the LSVC, Tech Publications Dept. The editorial staff of the LSVC are not responsible for Laughter Safety violations caused by any unauthorized use of outdated information.*** --------- REVISED 27.02.06 - Submitted for Safe Laughter Rating...


  1. Your picture of Richard on this post looks a lot like Henry Winkler to me. Does he do any Fonzie impressions?

    I am aware that Richard is a comedian, but I really only know his work on L&O. Great actor. Love the show. But that is the serious stuff....


  2. You know this strange perception that Richard looks like Winkler is so totally beyond me.

    Yet you don't seem to be the only one who has said that. There were some entries at Belzer in the News about people "getting them mixed up."

    If you would like to see a routine of his, though, click on "Why I'm Fond Of Richard Belzer," and go to a link of "Moses and The Cell Phone," a personal favorite of mine. Rated for Superior Laughter Safety (by his kid sister).


  3. We're actually refering to a former revision... of a picture of the Chairman from Homocide: Life on The Streets...

    Problem being that the photo is sorta copyrighted and all...

    (in spite of my personal belief that photos should belong to the one photographed!!)



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